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Vita Dolce, Moderato

Most definitely incredible!
Please Big Bang is the real music, not like gay groups like SHINee or Suju
GDragon is OMG & Avatar totally awesome
I have the aspiration to learn water and earth-bending
And I shall achieve my dream :)
Glee is wonderful
As they say 'Vita Dolce, Moderato' - Lets enjoy everything and live a sweet life

"She said show me the world that's inside your head" - AVA


Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Finally Feel That SRJC Is FUN!!!


Uniform Set: $28 x 2
P.E. Set : $16 x 2
College Tie : $6
College Pin : $1.40
SR Polo T's : $12
SR Bermudas: $18


Lol. Thats the total price of all the apparels you gotta buy at SRJC. First time seh I bought school uniform that cost that much! Well no surprise actually cause we're in JC what....whoo thats mean we get to buy expensive stuff moree!

Whooo...SRJC is cool. There's one thing thats an eye-catcher. SRJC got this thing called the formal and informal days.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are the formal days whereby you gotta wear your full Sch U.
BUT for Mons, Weds and Fris, you can get to wear there polo t's and bermudas! YESSS!! BERMUDAS! How cool is thaaatt! No more wearing sch uni everyday! hahas :P too bad for those who gotta :P ( I chose one person out of so many to direct to....GERC!:P)

Im starting to like it there! Cause the teachers are VERY NICE! Luckily none of those with PMS. well...maybe the hist. teacher. Although the people there are just plain weird! Thats true!

I got into SRJC soccer! Hahas. well not fully...just gotta put it as first choice in the cca application list. Still! Do you know SRJC are 3rd best in S'pore behind MJC and VJC!
Whooo gonna be fun! But the training is Gileeer Rabak! Out of the three days of training, only one day we get to play soccer. The other 2 days only run run RUN! OH YAHH! M school is crazy about RUNNING. Aleem told me. By the end of the year, every student must have at least have ran 100km...accumulated. Mannn...They keep tabs on the distance you run! Gileee per! Got this event called the WILLrun that requires EVERY student....no matter how fat or skinny...to run 10 km straight ! AT LEAST! CB! Think its impossible? Hahas. people have done it so yeah its possible! go KIM POSSIBLE! POWERR!

Yeah! I cant wait to get my Subject combination tmr! I chose PCME...Chem as H1 cause I really hate chem. F chem! I got B4 for it! My worst out of all subjects! Dont wanna take geog or history cause its siao! Imagine writing four essays, four pages long in 3 hours! Thats like 45 mins for one 4-paged essay! Gileerr pe! Hah hopefully those taking the same subject combi as me...we'll get a chance to study together:D hahas

ANDD oh yea...Got school dance yesterday. I mati2 dont want to hold girls' hands so i stick to my guy partner. No choice...I had to pretend to be the girl:P NOO!!! I AM NOT A GIRL ZAFF! Just pretended to be one. But in the end partner jugak dengan some cina girl. there's this move I dont quite like. You have to pull the girl towards you. I just dont feel comfortable. But some guys will go...Why the HECK are you complaining? xD

Did nothing much today. Full of lectures today. Didnt like the GP one which was the first one cause we had to do some stupid diagnostic test. WRITE AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY! OMG! After so long not writing essays, mannnnn it felt weird! Plus I prefer narrative...story story kan? After school..had nothing to do so lepak-ed with the Monfort guys at the gallery while waiting for Husaini's reply. When I couldnt hold my bowels any longer, I took the bus to An-Nahdhah mosque. Prayed there. Then head to RJC. Stayed there for only 30 mins -.- Guysss, why do you need to do that to meee? Took mrt home and went to White Sands cause Liy gotta find smthg. Afterwards, took the bus home with zaff. She also high todayyy...dont ask me why.We had a long, funny talk about pri sch and other stuff x) hahas. Bakhwa!!! okaayyy....I only high at night -.-

Thats about it:D Sayonara Guys!

Twitter updates


Glee, cant wait for Glee2 man!
Despicable Me
Chalet, Sleepover, Moviethon, KL, Cousins Outing, Karaoke; omg so many things!

XBOX360: Marvel vs Capcom 3, Fifa 11, Naruto ultimate ninja 2, Halo Reach
Damn, gonna spend all of my Hari Raya money from the above :)


Gmudd P
Hus 2!


First Day!Annyong Haseyo!Today was the FIRST DAY a... MY GROIN HURTS!Seriously......Whooo! We just came ... 1. Who's the person that tagged you?- Ahmed Khalil... Hellooooooo!I know the pictures of the babies are ... Babies! Reminisce of Man Utd Camp Annyong Haseyo~!YEAH! I am a spontaneous Idealist!... Spontaneous Idealist (SI)Spontaneous Idealists are... CNY EVE. Another Quiz

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