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Vita Dolce, Moderato

Most definitely incredible!
Please Big Bang is the real music, not like gay groups like SHINee or Suju
GDragon is OMG & Avatar totally awesome
I have the aspiration to learn water and earth-bending
And I shall achieve my dream :)
Glee is wonderful
As they say 'Vita Dolce, Moderato' - Lets enjoy everything and live a sweet life

"She said show me the world that's inside your head" - AVA


Another Quiz
Sunday, January 25, 2009


Name: Muhammad. Dont you know by now?

Birthday: 24 October! Yay! Same birthday as Wayne Rooney!

Birthplace: KK, Singapore

Eye Colour: Black, maybe abit brownish

Hair Colour: Black

Height: 169...at the moment

Right Handed or Left Handed?: Right

Your Heritage: Dad's Javanese, Mumsies's Boyan

My Worst Habit: Wiping my mouth on my sleeves. Haha disgusting I know but Im trying to quit.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Shoe Size: 8 - 8.5

Pant Size: 30

Parents Still Together?: Yes

Shoes You Wore Today?: My dirty checkered shoes that I planned to throw away for a very long time already


Your Weakness: God.

Your Fears: Height and being possessed (WTF!?)

Your Perfect Pizza: I LIKE with tuna, prawns, sotong, pepperonies and lots of CHEESE!

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Turn into a mugger and be closer to God.

Your Most Overused Phrase In Instant Messenger: 'hahas'

Your Best Physical Feature: hmmmm...I dont really know.

Your Bedtime: Around 3 in the morn. shitz

Your Most Missed Memory: my holiday to OLD TRAFFORD! I cant remember cause I was like only pri 2!


Colours?: Green and Red (Eh macam Christmas gitu...)

Food? : I LIKE pasta and fried wrice!

Animal? : CATS!

Ice Cream? : Ohhh! All the flavours except for the nutty ones.

Candy? : I LIKE it Sweet!

Store? : Those that sells football apparels and T's

Salad Dressing? : Thousand Islands?

Actress? : Emma Watson? Cause I LIKE how she speaks English!

Songs? : AVA. Cause their songs are inspirational, relaxing and has good meanings.

Letter? : M

Number? : 7

Gum? : Chewing

Holiday? : End Of Years!

Season? : LOL. S'pore has only ONE season!

Toothpaste Flavour?: wa....I dont really care

Radio Station? : 98.7

Perfume? : Nivea. Hmm I prefer to call it deodarant.

Scent Besides Perfume?: Forests and Morning dew.

Body Part On The Opposite Sex? : WTH? What kind of question is that!?


What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? : I have really tried thinking about it but always no answer.

How Do You Want To Die? : As P.Ramlee would say it, "Dalam Iman!". Although mati syahid is also good.

Turn ons: -.- I wont say. Only my close friends would know. xD


Let’s walk on the: BEACH!

Let’s look at the: Clouds.

What a nice: meal I just had.

Where did all the: A&W outlets in S'pore go!

Why can’t we: be satisfied with whatever we have? I find that hard to do...

Silly, little: nephew who keeps asking "Cek Mat, can you play with me?" :D

Isn’t it weird that: You're reading this?

Never Under Any Circumstance: will I EVER leave Islam.

I wish: life would have been fair.

Everyone has their: problems..so leave them alone!

I am: GAY!


Been In love? : Yeap.

Been to Juvie? : Where the hell is that!?

Mooned Someone? : Lol. huh?

Been Rejected? : I dont know, do I!? ok maybe I do.

Ran Away from home? : NEVER.

Picture your crush naked? : NEVER

Skipped School? : Does Madrasah counts?

Thought about Suicide?: NO.

Slept Outside? : Yeah. At Camp.

Laughed so hard you cried: YES! Almost everytime.

Cried in school? : I dont think so.

Thrown up in school? : Maybe once.

Wanted to be a model? : If I was tall and lean, yeahs.

Cheated on someone? : Never and will never.

Done Something Really stupid that you still laugh at it today?: Yeap, Too many times.

Seen a dead body?: Yes.

Been Bitched Out? : Hmmm....

Drank Alcohol? : Never!

Smoked?: :(

Been on drugs?: Lol NO. But I can generate self-induced high-ness:D

Eaten Sushi?: yes, didnt like it

Been on Stage? : Yup

Gone Skinny Dipping? : Okaayy, I dunno whats that.

Shoplifted? : Hope not.

Been Drunk? : Not on alcohol. Hahas

Been called a Tease? : Think so.

Been beaten up? : bday bash?


Swear? : Yes, especially when my comp or phone hangs.

Sing Well? : I'd like to think that.

Shower Daily?: Obviously. Im not a skunk.

Want to go to College? : Yeap.

Want to get married? : TOTALLY

Believe in yourself? : Yeah, but not enough i guess.

Get motion sickness? : Yes! Man i hate getting seasick!

Think You’re Attractive? : LOL

Get along with your parents? : Yeap.

Like thunderstorms? : Nooo, cause most of the times it spoils my plans for the day.

Play an instrument? : Im soo wanting to drum.

Own an iPod? : Sadly, No.

Pray: Yes.

Go to Church? : Never!

Sleep with a Stuffed Animal? : Used to, with the camel my mum bought from Haji.

Keep a Diary/ Journal? : nope. lazy but now, I DO have a blog, dont I?

Dance in the Rain? : Yes! Usually to get sick the next day :P

Sing in the shower? : Yea and my sis will always shout from her room "SUMBANG!" :P


Pepsi or Coke? : Both

McDonald’s or BK? : Both

Single or Group Dates? : Haiz....I dunno.

Chocolate or Vanilla? : Vanilla

Strawberries or Blueberries? : Both. Mannn....Dont they have any easier choices!

Meat or Veggie? : Meat

TV or Movies? : Sry, Both

Guitar or Drums? : DRUMS!

Adidas or Nike? : Nike! T90 Laser II !!!

Chinese or Mexican? : Neither. I choose Korean!

Cheerios or Corn Flakes? : Cornflakes

Cake or Pie? : CAKEESSS!

MTV or VH1? : MTV

Blind or Deaf? : Both senses are precious so I choose to keep them but if its neccessary I'll keep my eyes.

Boxers or Briefs? : I like both!!


Do the splits: Noooo.

Write with both hands: Duhh. Its just a matter of which one is neater.

Whistle: Yup, but I try not to. Cause later Im scared of attracting Setan.

Blow a bubble: Yeap

Roll your tounge in a circle : Yes

Cross your eyes : Yes, but I dont like doing it. Mabuk.

Walk with your toes curled : When my feet are dirty.

Touch your tongue to touch your nose: Cant do that.

Dance: Yeah! Except belly cause I can never grasp the technique.

Eat whatever you want and not worry: Hmm nope. Im picky.


You touched: Salam-ed my Uncle.

You Talked to on the phone: Sabirah, my cousin

You Instant Messaged: Diy

You Hugged: My mom a few ages ago.

You yelled at: I think Ahmed.

You played a sport with: Soccer with the usuals.


Time you laughed: Moments ago when I read Husaini's answer for 'Eat whatever you want and not worry' :D

Time you cried: I cant remember.

Movie you watched: CHANDNI CHOWK TO CHINA!

Flavour of Gum you chewed: Mint.

Joke you told : Now, its more of making fun.

Song you sung: Nobody by Wondergirls!


Life on other planets: Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. said it before so I believe.

Magic: Yeah. Hate it.

Love at first sight: Prolly not.

God: Definitely Yes.

Satan: Yes.

Ghosts: Yeap.

Santa: I told you alrdy...He doesnt give me presents so I dont believe.

Evolution: Crap.


Fav eye colour: Whatever colour I dont really mind.

Fav hair colour: As long as it is natural colour, I LIKE.

Short or long hair : As long as you look good, I wont care.

Height: I dont mind. really.

Weight: Doesnt matter!

Omg! This was longer than the previous! Again its 2.05 in the morn already. Sorry I was bored. Could help doing it cause Husaini did it :D Hahas Ok now, Im really sleepy. Night!

Twitter updates


Glee, cant wait for Glee2 man!
Despicable Me
Chalet, Sleepover, Moviethon, KL, Cousins Outing, Karaoke; omg so many things!

XBOX360: Marvel vs Capcom 3, Fifa 11, Naruto ultimate ninja 2, Halo Reach
Damn, gonna spend all of my Hari Raya money from the above :)


Gmudd P
Hus 2!


What you Do when You're Bored. I MISS WONDERGIRLS. 100 Truths Nostalgia First Official Post! THE PIONEER POST.

Take a bow

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