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Vita Dolce, Moderato

Most definitely incredible!
Please Big Bang is the real music, not like gay groups like SHINee or Suju
GDragon is OMG & Avatar totally awesome
I have the aspiration to learn water and earth-bending
And I shall achieve my dream :)
Glee is wonderful
As they say 'Vita Dolce, Moderato' - Lets enjoy everything and live a sweet life

"She said show me the world that's inside your head" - AVA


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Annyong Haseyo~!
YEAH! I am a spontaneous Idealist!

Ok whats up with that? Anyways, yesterday was eclipse day! And it turned out that Singapore was in the best position to view the eclipse after 10 years! It was to start at 4:28 and end at 6:58. Thats like for 2 hours seh! And the maximum, full eclipse would take place at 5:49pm! Man, I was so excited when I heard it on the news like 2 days before the day. So yesterday, after visiting my babysitter's grand-daughter (OMG! Dammnnn cuuuuute!), I went home to do the Solat Gerhana and then set out to Pasir Ris park to meet up with my relatives there. Equipped with my camera, I was hoping to see and capture the eclipse on camera. But much to my dismay, THE SUN WAS BLOCKED BY THE CLOUDS AND DEBRIS IN THE SKY! DAMN! So I was at the park trying to spot the eclipse but to no avail. Although there was a difference in the brightness of the afternoon. Only after I found out that the eclipse can be viewed in the northern part of Singapore! AWWMANNN! My cousin get to see it in Hougang! CB! Hahahs okaayy but good time again at the beach with family yeahs.

Then, after maghrib we head to Changi Airport T2 for our usual outings that usually ends up late at night, sometimes even until morning if we're lucky:D hahas. About 7 families went. Macam satu rombongan gitu nak pergi Haji hahas.Of all places, they had to choose BK! Okaayy actually I didnt mind cause I have been longing for the BBQ turkey bacon burger! ahhhs *mouth watering* Walk around abit to T3 and back. THEN, my nephew had to start AGAIN. After his parents went home cause they had to work in the morn the next day, he stayed with his grandparents. My youngest cousin got tired and was lazy to play with him so now, HE HAD NO FRIEND. So he went up to my other cousin (Naufal), whom he calls "GOGO" (Dont even ask me why. I dunno either), and stuck to him like glue. We ended up eating supper at Yakun kaya toast cafe at about 11:30. That was when he started to get abit restless. First, when I was queuing up to take my order, he came behind me and smacked my back. So I grabbed him and ask in a playful sort of way "Why did you hit me?" He tried to look innocent and didnt answer so I let him go. Afterwards, I was eating my bread and he was sitting beside me. He was observing me then asked "Can I drink your drink?" and I replied "Ok. Why did you hit me just now?". Guess what he answered.

"Sooowwrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy" he said teasingly. " Cause just now you went THEREEEE. So i had no fwen." (you think it may be cute, but think again.)

LOL. Basket. Ok by then we were all malas to layan him already cause we were all tired. Me and GOGO played the 'Who laughes first, loses' game. We must look in each others face and only can talk to provoke. I was totally random and attacked first. "Eh ketiak bulu lu basah" and we both burst out laughing. Duhh. THEN, my nephew, receiving NO attention from us, starting throwing his slippers around. So to prevent the slippers from hitting the Chinese couple beside us (I dunno why they are there. Dont they have Chinese New Year to celebrate!?), I took away one of his slippers then said "Why are you throwing your slippers around?" sternly. And he was like "Cek Mat I want my slippers!" I asked again and he CRIED. He then screamed "i want my SLIPPERSSSS! CEK MAT IS BAD! HE DONT WANT TO GIVE ME BACK MY SLIPPERS!" I ought to have feel guilty but having made him cry too many times due to his own faults, I was unperturbed. Mannnn I am sooo bad! xD

Futhermore, we took the skytrain from T3 to T2. When we got off, my nephew was like "Wait! See the 'connecting thing'! WAITTT~! Dont go! See the thing!" He was pointing to the linkages that connected the two skytrain carriages together. SOOO we stood there gawking at it as if we were like JAKUN people. We only stopped when my uncle said "Eh Kite klakar ah. Kene mainkan dengan budak kecil tu" LOL xD. Ok thats alot to write for so little thing that hapened yesterday :p ahhas ok now I need to sleep cause later on I gotta go to Liang Wei's house to see the liondance. Night!


Omg...This was him when he was small. So cute, cuddly and innocent. I liked him then.

Okay, It's not that I dont like him now. But here he is...3 years-old. Quite annoying:D
Quite smart for a 3 year old to know whats gravity and using the words 'compress', 'accident', etc. Also, words like 'Walao' and 'What the hell' are in his vocabulary. I DIDNT TEACH HIM!
His favourite would be at the beach, when he sees half-naked man and he'll go like "Eh! Tetek!"
Hahahs :D Man...This post is like dedicated to him or something sia... :/
Yeap and his "r" is some sort like Ahmed's xD
I forgot....His name is ILHAN ATHAR. :D

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Glee, cant wait for Glee2 man!
Despicable Me
Chalet, Sleepover, Moviethon, KL, Cousins Outing, Karaoke; omg so many things!

XBOX360: Marvel vs Capcom 3, Fifa 11, Naruto ultimate ninja 2, Halo Reach
Damn, gonna spend all of my Hari Raya money from the above :)


Gmudd P
Hus 2!


Spontaneous Idealist (SI)Spontaneous Idealists are... CNY EVE. Another Quiz What you Do when You're Bored. I MISS WONDERGIRLS. 100 Truths Nostalgia First Official Post! THE PIONEER POST.

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