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Vita Dolce, Moderato

Most definitely incredible!
Please Big Bang is the real music, not like gay groups like SHINee or Suju
GDragon is OMG & Avatar totally awesome
I have the aspiration to learn water and earth-bending
And I shall achieve my dream :)
Glee is wonderful
As they say 'Vita Dolce, Moderato' - Lets enjoy everything and live a sweet life

"She said show me the world that's inside your head" - AVA


Back from Melacca!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Trip to Melacca last weekend was just pure awesome-ness! ahhas Of course with soccrboys, it always is! (waiting for ebby to post the pictures on fb!)

I played the first match, a 'not-bad' performance for me, considering that i could have done better ( man i have trouble typing after a few days of no computer :/) Although it was my first time injuring someone that bad! I actually stepped on the guy's ankle with my studs!!!
Omg, imagine how horrified i was :P hahas

Ohh and can you actually believed that Kamal lost his first kiss during the trip! yeow kissed him as a forfeit for some stupid game they were playing at the back of the bus! But what i couldnt forget while we were on the way back to school was the way Paarthi sang his Hindi song for our karaoke session! Full of expression, he is!

Just studied with ahmed and fadhil yesterday. Its been long since all three of us have been together! we talked reminisced and just lepak-ed. From expo's coffee beans to loyang point's macs./

hah we had nothing to do eh, yeah did some stupid stuff at fadhil's house till late night! HAHA! we're preparing an upcoming video for your entertainment so stay tuned!

Went to City square today to study. however we had little time there. although i find it a good environment to study since there were little people around. mind me, i cant study at home. i'll end up sleeping or watching movies XD haha

So yeah, tmr's there's cca and CIP. ohh god, im gettign so lazy these days!


Twitter updates


Glee, cant wait for Glee2 man!
Despicable Me
Chalet, Sleepover, Moviethon, KL, Cousins Outing, Karaoke; omg so many things!

XBOX360: Marvel vs Capcom 3, Fifa 11, Naruto ultimate ninja 2, Halo Reach
Damn, gonna spend all of my Hari Raya money from the above :)


Gmudd P
Hus 2!


Congrats Siba JEA! Ohh YEAH! AND I GOT TO SHOUT "GAIN...GAIN! SARANGH... JEA! Ga-in! The Obvious AVA is LOVE Fame! disappointment

Take a bow

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