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Vita Dolce, Moderato

Most definitely incredible!
Please Big Bang is the real music, not like gay groups like SHINee or Suju
GDragon is OMG & Avatar totally awesome
I have the aspiration to learn water and earth-bending
And I shall achieve my dream :)
Glee is wonderful
As they say 'Vita Dolce, Moderato' - Lets enjoy everything and live a sweet life

"She said show me the world that's inside your head" - AVA


Monday, September 6, 2010

GUYS! Its not that I'm not loyal. I'm just using this new blog, Posterous! haha Since few of you read my blog, I guess it wont affect much.

But if you do want to come and read....

Check out Machas at the side and click on - Gmudd P

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Temasek - Finally saw my teachers, had a good chat with them. Ms Farhana's pregnant already...just after 7 months from her wedding day! Ohhh fast game...The rest of the teachers are all the same, concerned bout the upcoming A's and all. And holy shit, Mr Terence Yeo could still remember me as the guy who danced 'Nobody Nobody But Chu!' Damn embarrassing! And the video is still online!!!

So we went to study after that at expo. Me Fadhil Ahmed Ashley and Marcus. At first it wasnt that productive since i felt exceptionally sleepy today (must have lost energy from shitting in the morning!) But it progressed and i got study...

And we buke at Simpang. God knows when was the last time I ate there! And damnnn, it felt good. The good food, great company and all and the lepak-ing from the old days...just feels damn nice. Maybe thats because we havent had much of it in JC. It was how to say relaxing and enjoyable time with Shaz, Ikhwan, Barbs, Aqeel and gang. Haha hopefully we'll have more of that in the future!

Tomorrow another outing with Sean and Haizer! O.O
lol forever us three. The new 'three stooges', which formed quite naturally. Wanna watch step up 3 AGAIN! Syiok! And prolly go back to school to study.

Alright guys, I need my sleep. Drank too much water at Simpang, thanks to Fadz :) HAHA

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Born from a boombox, those are true dancers. Anyone watch Step Up 3 already? If you haven't, I'll recommend it to you. Cause I think it's freaking awesome - This coming from someone who was so against watching the movie & loves dancing :)

And it has inspired me to train hard, get the muscles i need to break-dance XD Next thing you know, you'll see me dancing on the World Jam! OHHH! haha

Yeah dancing is breathing as they claimed. Its more of expressing yourself, dont you agree? From the style and rigour of your dance, people can tell your mood and all. Right now, i feel like dancing in the lazy, drunken style, cause right now I really feel lousy. Fucking wisdom teeth. Just had to grow now..

But on the brightside, I guess im lucky its not gonna grow on Hari Raya :) This year, i AM going to finish all the kuihs and pastries of the houses that i'll be visiting, sadly because i wont be going out so much this year. It's A's remember? -.-

Anyways, return to Temasek is coming. Cant wait to see my favourite teacher again. The one who said i would not be able to make it and asked me to drop 2 subjects. Yeah that teacher :)

Sick today, all because of the stupid. growing wisdom tooth. Damn it hurts!

Friday, August 27, 2010

OMG I cant believe this! BIG BANG is fcking comin to Singapore!!!

AHHH! First time ever! MUST CALM DOWN!

Anyways they'll be at this concert thats gonna happen in Spore on 23rd October! (Freaking Hell! It's one day before my bday! What a bday present for the year!)


And they will be together with SHINee, FT ISLAND!, Infinite and SNSD! OHH GOD!
Such a star-studded cast of artistes. AHHHH! CANT WAIT!

Although there remains the As, yeah i hope one night wont do any harm right? Yeah, definitely not!

And because of this I have to re-organise my Hari Raya money spending...
Assuming that I'll receive $300 this year....plus I hope i will be able to save $50 from my allowance.

50 bucks to pay off debt.
150-200 bucks to pay for KPop Concert tickets
And the rest ermmm...hopefully my dad will chip in to get the 360 at the end of the year yeah...

Imagine, listening to SHINee's Lucifer, watching SNSD dance Genie, FT Island and Big Bang singing their new hit once they comeback!!!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

AHH Fcking expired milk. Although it was my fault for not checking, i didnt know it would taste this bad.

NORMALLY, expired milk curdles and taste sour right?

But the milk I drank look perfectly liquid-y and taste awfully bitter!
I think I'm going to die tomorrow. And its not because of the maths paper :P


Ahhh! Close to the end of Prelims! I so cant wait for a break, for a day at least. Thats what Im hoping for. After that, it would be back to studying until HARI RAYA!

Haha must collect lots of money this year so I can buy my Xbox360 after A's! Nyeh!

And I got an Albums-to-buy list (In order of priority) :
1. Taeyang's International SOLAR album
2. CNBLUE's Bluetory (Ohh shit I cant believe I still hadnt gotten it yet!)
3. Big Bang Big Show DVD (Just watched BB's version of 1D2N. Damn funny, especially TOP and GDragon)

Provided I have enough money to buy the albums first! Im guessing the xbox360 would definitely eat up all my budget including several games i already planned to buy! Fifa 11, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and Halo: Reach! Mannn I swear right after A's, I'll turn into a game addict, like i was during my secondary school days!

Ohhh I missed CNBLUE's fanmeeting! Ahhh! Bloody Prelims! I would have gotten Yonghwa's autograph at City Square and perhaps see their showcase at NUS. Bloody hell! (Ohh im not supposed to curse yah, im fasting :)

Alright.....What's Differential Equations again?

I need Chocolates!
Sunday, August 15, 2010



Chocolate milk
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pictures from past events...

Such enthusiasm in celebrating YOG Torch Relay with class.

Celebrating Zafran's Birthday.


Watching fireworks at Marina Bay Sands

Picture with Ree from Thanksgiving

(The only picture i have from thanksgiving so far since Sean's camera's spoilt :)

Fasting. Not much of a challenge for us to abstain from food actually, since we have been doing that for most of our lives annually. But the more difficult thing of fasting is to stop yourself from losing your patience and thinking about "bad stuff". These "bad stuff" might not be what you might be thinking. As in, other than the gross sexual thoughts guys always have (who says the girls do not have?), we cant think of any insults or gossips or anything bad about anyone else. We're supposed to be pure, clean...We can't lie, gossip, talk bad, steal...and so on. Doesnt mean the rest of you could take advantage over us by saying all the vulgarities you want at us :P But overall it has been tiring.. Like seriously, I've never felt such fatigued and sleepy for so long!

Hmm, what should i break fast tomorrow? :) and should i play soccer in the morning? I dont know!!!

Mmmm chocolate milk :)

Yellow Ribbons
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And the month of repentance has begun. Time to change and I swear i'll be a changed guy starting from tomorrow. I have made a resolutions for Ramadhan to become a better person :) Hopefully so with God's willing, it'll happen.

The YOG torch came to my school today. The immense atmosphere was amazing as us SRJCians were lining up along the side of the road, awaiting for our friends to run pass bearing the torch. It was a once in a lifetime experience since i believe that the odds of YOG occurring in Singapore again would be minimal. And there we were running around, getting all excited for the first ever YOG, witnessing some performances by our school's choir and dance.

A surprise awaited us as the same 5 teachers from Thanksgiving performed Circus by Britney Spears. Totally stupendous! And yeah, I got to take pictures with the torch...Kinda abit lame eh? haha still. Its a rare opportunity! :P

Prelims' next week! Hopefully I will more prepared by then! Ohh God! So horrifying!

Awwman...I really wish I could meet up with all my Primary 6 classmates. Was browsing through past school pictures when i chanced upon the photo. When we were all still innocent, dumb and naive and to think us like that now! And behind it, there were cute messages from friends. Kinda funny since it was our last year and we wrote it so heartily! Innocent little buggers we were! Maybe by fate or whatsoever, we all get to meet up again :)

Exhausted from today. Have to wake up at 4.30 tmr. What else? Hit the decks!

Blue is just blue.
Monday, August 9, 2010

:) Elated. Totally.

Fireworks this year was awesome. It kept on going for almost 5 minutes? or probably less but it felt long. And it had more shapes this year. Could see some orchids, crescents and stars. But the nicest one was when the few of the biggest ones exploded together in the night sky. Beautiful. How i wish i could spend that moment with somebody :)

Anyways the f-16 gave us a scare. From our angle, it looked as if it was gonna BAM! you know...9/11 on the Marina IR (sensitive issue, cant say out the exact thing...its just my view) but it swerved nicely to the side of the IR and continue its travel to above the horizon.

And i think we walked around 10km for the whole of today? from SMU to Plaza Sing, SMU to Esplanade, and Marina Bay Sands to Bugis? Thats a whole lot. Yeah alot of exercise, burned alot of calories along with high metabolism rate...I can hardly grow fat :)

Whoot! damn happy! haha i wont tell you why :P anyways tmr's YOG celebration. I swear i am damn tempted to buy a Pepsi bottle and drink it the moment the camera flashes at me :) haha but that would be evil and thats not what i am, right? Im just..erm mischievous!

Ohh yeah, i forgot to blog about Avatar: The Last Airbender. Other than the fact that it had excluded alot of the parts from book 1 which i adore, the effects and graphics were stunning. Like totally cool! and I watched it in 3D. First time experience and to tell you the truth, it kinda sucks when you have to wear 2 glasses on your face cause its very stressing on the nose bridge and cause your eyes to get sore. so yeah i'd recommend 2D :) Only the fighting scenes were the interesting parts since we know whats going to happen in the storyline right...Man i wish it'd be longer and they didnt feature the Kyoshi warriors! Wtf, they played an important role in book 1 sia!

"You should know it's true
Just now, the part about my love for you
And how my heart's about burst
Into a thousand pieces
So it must be true"

-Hellogoodbye, Baby It's Fact :)


Damn, his name sounds like some kind of Pokemon.....ahh Chikorita!

Manchester United OWNed Chelsea, no doubt bout that, but certainly they had a few scares. Blame it on O'Shea? I believe that really wasnt his best game, prolly he was tired eh...lets just leave it at that. And so Man Utd opens up the campaign by winning against last year's champions. Awesome.

Tomorrow's gonna be National Day, not that im pretty hyped up for it, but there's some fireworks to catch. Although studying comes first right? So since school and libraries would be closed and malls would be congested and Starbucks would be flooding with muggers, I figured that SMU would be a fine place to study, provided we reach there early to find a table. That'll be definitely it. Only problem would be lunch since any food outlets are quite far...hmmm, McDelivery ah abeh xD haha

So we plan to study until evening and thats when we will make our way to Marina Bay Sands to watch the fireworks. Hopefully, everything goes as planned while the day must be productive! Only me Haizer Joachim Sean Melody and J.Song would be going i think since Zaf and Anna got their own individual plans.

And... and I found Belle on Facebook. Well not exactly found her but more of re-connect with her? I seriously dunno where she went and the last impression she made to me before she left Spore was something about vampires or something. Emo? haha But yeah, glad to find out that she's living fine in California where she can enjoy school life while us Spore students have to go through the stressful A's or Diplomas! haha really long time no see her already. Too bad a primary school class reunion would be silly, but i wont go against the idea! anyone up for it? :)

Alright..I still believe I can bend water if i practice taichi with those aunties who always do that early in the morning at my school. Gonna wake up earlier now :) haha

(Im waiting for some Thanksgiving photos so i can upload them here:)

Caught in a Bad Romance
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tonight was so Surreal. Pure Awesomeness. No words can describe the best times I had at SRJC. Great!

Thanksgiving showed me that. Seriously, I think we're one unique JC. Even though we're small but we're happening man. While other school starts in the morn and have the usual, NDP parade at their school, SRJC started theirs in the late afternoon while singing the national anthem proudly...And we proceeded to the hall for the Thanksgiving concert, for our fundraising efforts. 187K, that bloody lot. Own.

Thanksgiving was awesome. The theme was the Grammy's, with "different" presenters for different prizes and there would be funny nominees to look at, after they had photoshopped the pictures and all. Difficult to describe here though :P Started out with the Freak-Os or something like that. The teachers band from rock concert, playing Viva La Vida and we were again in our rock-concert-euphoria! and it went to the PE department with them pulling off a cool Lion Dance. First time see-ing Mr Teng act like that. :) So funny!

Maths Department did some kind of dance exercise that was cute, at the same time weird but it was worth the laugh. Then, the PW department again promoting their PW work while entertaining us at the same time with Lady Gaga's Bad Romance performance by the glee cast! Cool man. Chem Department had their Indian and Hot dance on stage after that. Imagine all the cheers by the guys! haha Physics and Mr Tan Teck Hock danced to 'Chori Chori', a Hindustan song. haha me and Sean could help but laugh at Mr Thomas. He was very comical and all on stage with his End-striking pose! LOL

The Lit and GP department sang and performed songs glee style! And they sang my fav, DON'T STOP! they all were dancing on stage, damn cool to see masses of teachers performing together and we sang along!!! MT did a twilight parody that was quite hilarious, with the appearance of Jacob! haha couldnt stop laughing all and they seemed anti-twilight :) We so agreed! .The admin did a great job at making a 'Heal the World' music video. Including all the staff from the labs to office admins. And the economics department has never failed to surprise us, this year with Jaiho Dance! haha Should have seen the DM. Super cute. HAHA and my econs teacher xD Man he is SO dead next tutorial!

And the Gay-est was Mr Daniel Tan (haha cher, if you're reading this, it was so gay! more than me, especially the first character and the Hong Kong guy) He kept dressing up differently in various costumes to present the several nominees to the audience. Like Darth Vader, David Beckham, Gay Hong Kong Designer. But he was extremely hilarious and kept making us laugh our wits out. And he made a shout out to OUR class, cause of 'Laoda'. we're supposed to call him by another name now :)

After all that we sang and sang till we lost our voices. The Principal's favorite song which has become common amongst us, National day songs, National anthem and college Song. All at the top of our voices. It was that moment, THAT moment when you felt that the whole school was like one and united and all that stuff. We would pull through together. It was a great feeling, good sensation and the teachers were all singing on the stage too. Me Sean Arvin Joel Nawas and Jay. haha

After the concert which we wished that would never end, we took lots of pictures! XD
Timeout is now a favourite!

Love to SRJC and grateful to all the teachers there!

Benders of Mainstream.
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today feels abit restless. Perhaps its due to tomorrow being such an exciting day and the following day to be so awesome!

Tomorrow, I'll be playing a soccer match which i was not supposedly to be a part of. Rocmoc vs Yaoyang's clique. Seems cool enough since i really do want to play soccer on Fridays! so Yeah tomorrow morn will be such a heartwarmer. And will be followed by national day parade and Thanksgiving that starts at 5.30 Thats needless to say I'll be studying in school in the duration in between. Chill guys i know what I'm doing :)

Cant wait to see what the teachers will pull off this time round.. I saw a glimpse of the rehearsal. GP teachers coming up with some rockband or whatsoever. Lets hope it'll be way better than last year!

And Avatar: The Last Airbender! The movie I've been anticipating! Yes, the animated series which has recieved much popularity! Ohh cant wait to watch it on Saturday! I wanna see the bendings of elements! I really wish i can bend water, so i can like make the ground dry so that my friends and i can all play soccer comfortably :) aww man ridiculous...

Been very lame today. Thats like going back to my secondary school days. Dammit must act more mature!

Ohh Ive recently found Enrique Iglesias to be a pretty good singer. Haha thanks to Sean that is. He lent me his E.I. album to listen and he's quite good. Perhaps im like slowing transiting back to English music. but obviously i wont let go of kpop. Cause it had defined me into someone whom everyone characterized me as.... A k-pop freako who is very much obsessed with Korean guys and girls. Both in the good way and the bad. Good cause it kinda makes me unique and stuff, something of which most people disagree (-.-) , while they love to shout out that I'm Gay. Wow, I've really got friends who are encouraging. But I know they're really joking. And they know I can take it cause Im Cool.

Alright merepekz kerepekz. Sleep early tonight. Early is relative so it might be 12AM! :)

Twitter updates


Glee, cant wait for Glee2 man!
Despicable Me
Chalet, Sleepover, Moviethon, KL, Cousins Outing, Karaoke; omg so many things!

XBOX360: Marvel vs Capcom 3, Fifa 11, Naruto ultimate ninja 2, Halo Reach
Damn, gonna spend all of my Hari Raya money from the above :)


Gmudd P
Hus 2!


Crossroads Simpang! Mooose BIGBANG Milk. SOLAR I need Chocolates! Chocolate milk Yellow Ribbons Blue is just blue.

Take a bow

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